STAGING is a quick fix for maximizing the saleability of your home by omitting clutter, rearranging furniture, sometimes eliminating furniture and accessories, assuring that when a potential buyer comes into your home, they can see themselves living there.
We have contractors for painting, cleaning, rearranging and the ability to bring in furnitue and fixtures if necessary.
You or your realtor need to make your home as appealing as possible for a quick sale! You will get the most value for your house if it is STAGED to sell!
STAGING adds value to your home sale in this competitive real estate market.
Realtors can offer to STAGE a client's home for a modest price. MacKinnon Interiors offers affordable STAGING CONSULTS for all new Realtor requests.
STAGING is a quick fix for maximizing the saleability of your home by omitting clutter, rearranging furniture, sometimes eliminating furniture and accessories, assuring that when a potential buyer comes into your home, they can see themselves living there.
We have contractors for painting, cleaning, rearranging and the ability to bring in furnitue and fixtures if necessary.
You or your realtor need to make your home as appealing as possible for a quick sale! You will get the most value for your house if it is STAGED to sell!
STAGING adds value to your home sale in this competitive real estate market.
Realtors can offer to STAGE a client's home for a modest price. MacKinnon Interiors offers affordable STAGING CONSULTS for all new Realtor requests.